What is the Dalian Method?
The Dalian Method™ (DM) is a completely new revolutionary healing system, which is not derived from any other modality known today. This bull’s eye light-speed technique meets the needs and challenges of modern-day men and women who seek the most healing in the shortest time. Pioneering a new paradigm in personal transformation, the Dalian Method holds the master key for rapid healing and awakening.
A New Paradigm in Healing
Many people look for healing from something or they want to “get rid” of something that feels uncomfortable. However, they don’t understand what healing truly means.
Healing is not about ‘fixing’ or suppressing symptoms of physical ailments. It is not about replacing negative beliefs with positive ones. Healing is about becoming conscious of the causes of pain and suffering, learning the needed life-lessons, and transforming the ego-mind into self-empowered consciousness. Health is a state of inner balance. It is a state of peace from pain, suffering, and inner turmoil.
Healing is a state of dis-identification from the mind and emotions. It is a state of awareness of how the beliefs, desires, and conditionings that are part of the ego-mind cause suffering. To heal, means to let go of attachments to ideas, things, and people. To heal means to transcend the fear of death and survival and find the eternal presence of the Inner Being.
Many experts talk about the need of becoming more conscious, but they do not offer practical tools that can help us transform our fears and pain. They offer solutions that appeal to the cognitive mind, which creates our problems in the first place.
As a groundbreaking healing system, the Dalian Method™ pioneers a new paradigm in healing and personal transformation. It is designed to meet the needs and challenges of the modern day men and women, and it holds a powerful key in the process of healing and evolution of humankind from pain and suffering.
The Dalian Method was created in 1997 by Mada Eliza Dalian, an old soul and a scientist of the human condition. It is the flowering of her 45-years of exploration of the human body, mind, emotions, and the unconscious that is in the body and energy.
This extremely mathematical system of healing and transformation is based on Mada’s wisdom as a self-realized mystic, her ability to read with 100% accuracy the thought patterns and emotions repressed in people’s bodies, and her true knowing of how to permanently release and transform the unconscious fears, self-sabotaging belief patterns, and the repressed memory of past traumatic experiences in the body’s cellular memory and alter the epigenetic code.
According to Mada, this unique technique came into existence as a fulfillment of a promise she made lifetimes ago to help with the healing of pain and suffering on this planet.
With absolute clarity and practical insights on how each individual can transform their inner unrest into freedom of consciousness, Mada sets the bar for a new type of education in health and personal transformation. She is a rebel who says that “the old methods have served their purpose, and it’s now time for new methods to replace what is outdated so they can empower people to take responsibility for their own healing and happiness.
A Breakthrough Tool for Spiritual Transformation
The Dalian Method is not only an advanced technique for healing the body, mind, and emotions but it is also a one-of-a-kind tool to accelerate spiritual awakening. DM acts as a bridge between the teachings of the awakened masters and you experiencing the truth of those teachings for yourself. By using the Dalian Method you will dramatically increase your ability to witness and dis-identify from your thoughts and emotions, deepen your self-awareness, expand your consciousness, strengthen your intuition, improve your relationships, and connect to your inner wisdom and life purpose.
Also Available for Teens and Children!
The Dalian Method is now also available for teens and children, adding a new dimension on how I t can help thousands of families live a more loving, balanced, and fulfilling lives.