If You Have Tried Everything
Private Sessions for Adults
“Health is a state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with age, illness or even the health of the body or mind. Whether you are aware of it or not, every step you take towards healing is a step towards consciousness. Everything you do in life is part of your healing journey towards discovering the ultimate health of your being.” ~ Mada
What can you expect from your session with Mada
To have a private session with Mada is a rare and special gift to yourself. Working with her is like working with a human X-Ray machine. Mada is a no-nonsense, to the point, and utterly down to earth and practical. She doesn’t spend a lot of time talking about the problems or abstract concepts and philosophies. Instead, she accurately identifies and permanently erases the underlying cause(s) of ailments, energetic blockages, incurable dis-ease(s), life-long chronic conditions, psychological wounds, fears, depression, post-traumatic stress, and anxiety from the body’s cellular memory.
Working with Mada and the Dalian Method saves years of counselling, psychotherapy, side effects caused by mood altering medications, and many doctor’s visits.
While working on eliminating the physical and psychological conditions, you simultaneously expand your consciousness, learn important life lessons, get in touch with your inner strength, and experience the abundant possibilities hidden within your being.
Conditions that Mada has worked with:
Mada has worked with thousands of people in over twenty years to transform their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual ailments. She has worked with adults, young adults, teens, and children to transform chronic pain (including accident related), illnesses such as fibromyalgia, asthma, cystitis, digestion problems, headaches, tonsillitis, thyroid conditions, MS, Crones disease, leukaemia, cancer, Rosacea, bronchitis, chronic bleeding, chronic vomiting, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, birth traumas, childhood issues, post traumatic stress, physical and sexual abuse, childbirth, fears and phobias, panic attacks, self-sabotage, self-esteem issues, relationship problems, decision-making (personal, professional or business), past life karmic patterns, ancestral chain patterns, fear of death and the unknown, including spiritual work on liberation from the ego-mind and the wheel of pain and suffering.
What Others are Saying
“Hits the Core of the Being”
I have done many methods and modalities over the last 25 years, but the Dalian Method hits the core of the being!

“Pushed Me Ahead Light Years…I No Longer Take Medications!”
Mada’s method is nothing less than miraculous! I’ve spent the last 5 years on 3 different anti-depressants as well as gone through extensive therapy. The work I did with Mada pushed me ahead light-years in regards to my healing journey! I no longer take medications! You will not be sorry by trying Mada’s method. When you meet Mada you just know that she knows.

” I am still completely free of asthma and have not use any medication.
I had been suffering with asthma for almost 50 years. I had tried acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, naturopathy, and many other forms of conventional and alternative therapies with little or no long-term benefits. After one session with Mada I had immediately cut down my medication by 90% and have not had an asthma attack since. Nine months later, I am still completely free of asthma and have not use any medication. I will be happy to add my name to the list of people that Mada has helped. My sincere thanks.”

Most Powerful Work I’ve Experienced
Mada’s work is pure, without the ”Guru and student” dynamics whatsoever! I have been a truth seeker for over 15 years and this is the most powerful work I’ve experienced. I have not come across any other work that brings you into higher consciousness and healing like this method does!

Book Your Session
Private sessions can be booked in-person or by Zoom. They can be booked for 60 or 90 minutes for Adults, 60 or 90 minutes for Teens, and 60 minutes for Children.
Though we welcome your inquiries and questions, due to a limited number of sessions available, we appreciate you contacting us only if you are seriously considering to book a session. Thank you!
Private sessions are booked via Zoom. Please select your preferred session length (60 or 90 minutes) when booking. Thank you!